A belated post, because it still hurts that I wasn't able to go to Open World this year. But I console myself with the thought that many people probably couldn't go either. Besides, if I had to skip a year, OO2K8 was a good one to skip: no announcements on Fusion Middleware, nothing on 11gR2. I suppose the lack of big product launches and the concomitant absence of marketing hoo-hah left more space for useful technical sessions, but those would have been focused on 11g and 10gR2, which is still as far away as it ever was for my project.
Such announcements as there were seem rather ho-humish. Is there more to Oracle's support for the cloud than jumping on a fashionable bandwagon? Well there is Oracle's partnership with Intel. It's official: Larry now likes x86 chips more than he likes SPARCs. In fact, I think the big story from Open World is the dissolution of the Sun-Oracle relationship. For over a decade, Oracle on Solaris has gone together like a horse and carriage. Not any more.
The most significant thing about Ellison's keynote was not Exadata appliance itself - it's a rather niche product - but the fact that the hardware is supplied by HP. In the old days the hardware would have been Sun, but then Sun went and bought MySQL and things went rather sour. Funnily enough last week Sun announced a remarkably similar sounding device they
were building for Fox Interactive Media, albeit using "Greenplum's data warehousing software on Sun's Solaris/ZFS based OpenStorage platforms".
Despite what I said earlier there were many interesting sounding presentations. Jared Still recently listed a few of them on Oracle-L. I hope that they will eventually be made available to the masses. At the moment there's only Oracle on demand which is demanding - oh ho! - $700 for streaming access to the presentations. I think I'll pass.