Sunday, December 09, 2012

Error Wrangling

Last week the OTN SQL and PL/SQL Forum hosted of those threads which generate heat and insight without coming to a firm conclusion: this one was titled WHEN OTHERS is a bug. Eventually Rahul, the OP, complained that he was as confused as ever. The problem is, his question asked for a proof of Tom Kyte's opinion that, well, that WHEN OTHERS is a bug. We can't proof an opinion, even an opinion from a well-respected source like Tom. All we can do is weigh in with our own opinions on the topic.

One of the most interesting things in the thread was Steve Cosner's observations on designing code "to be called by non-database, and ... non-Oracle software (Example: Oracle Forms, or a web process)". He uses WHEN OTHERS to produce a return code. Now return codes are often cited as an example of bad practice. Return codes disguise the error and the allow the calling program to proceed as though nothing had gone wrong in the called unit. Exceptions, on the other hand, cannot be ignored.

But Steve goes on to make a crucial point: we must make allowances for how our code will be called. For instance, one time I was writing PL/SQL packages for an E-Business Suite application and I was doing my usual thing, coding procedures which raised exceptions on failure. This was fine for the low level routines which were only used in other PL/SQL routines. But the procedures which ran as concurrent jobs had to finish cleanly, no matter what happened inside; each passed a return code to the concurrent job manager, and logged the details. Similarly the procedures used by Forms passed back an outcome message, prefixed with "Success" or"Error" as appropriate.

This rankled at first but it is undoubtedly true that exceptions make demands on the calling program. Although the demands are not as high in PL/SQL as in say C++ or Java, raising exceptions still changes how the calling function must be coded. We have to work with the grain of the existing code base when introducing new functionality. (Interestingly, Google has a fiat against exceptions in its C++ code base, and developed its Go language to support return codes as the default error handling mechanism. Find out more.)

The point is APIs are a contract. On its side the called program can enforce rules about how it is called - number and validity of input parameters, return values. But it cannot impose rules about what the calling program does with the outcome. So there's no point in exposing a function externally if its behaviour is unacceptable to the program which wants to call it. When the calling program wants to use return codes there's little point in raising exceptions instead. Sure the coder writing the calling program can ignore the value in the return code, but that is why we need code reviews.

So, is WHEN OTHERS a bug? The answer is, as so often, it depends.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

GOTOs, considered

Extreme programming is old hat now, safe even. The world is ready for something new, something tougher, something that'll... break through. You know? . And here is what the world's been waiting for: Transgressive Programming.

The Transgressive Manifesto is quite short:

It's okay to use GOTO.
The single underlying principle is that we value willful controversy over mindless conformity.

I do have a serious point here. Even programmers who haven't read the original article (because they can't spell Dijkstra and so can't find it through Google) know that GOTOs are "considered harmful". But as Marshall and Webber point out, "the problem lies ... in the loss of knowledge and experience. If something is forbidden for long enough, it becomes difficult to resurrect the knowledge of how to use it."

How many Oracle developers even realise PL/SQL supports GOTO? It does, of course. Why wouldn't it? PL/SQL is a proper programming language.

The standard objection is that there is no role for GOTO because PL/SQL has loops, procedures, CASE, etc. But sometimes we need to explicitly transfer control. In recent times I have have across these examples:

  • a loop which raised a user-defined exception to skip to the END LOOP; point when the data was in certain ststes, thus avoiding large chunk of processing. A GOTO would have have been cleaner, because it is poor practice to represent normal business states as exceptions.
  • a huge function with more than a dozen separate RETURN statements. GOTOs directing flow to a single RETURN call would have been really helpful, because I needed to log the returned value.
  • a condition which set a counter variable to a large number so as to short-circuit a loop. Here a GOTO would simply have been more honest.
These examples are all explicit control transfers: they cause exactly the sort of random paths through the code which Dijkstra inveighed against. But the coders didn't honour the principle underlying his fatwa, they just lacked the moxie to invoke the dread statement. Instead they kludged. I'm not saying that using a GOTO would have redeemed a function with 800 LOC ; clearly there'e a lot more refactoring to be done there. But it would have been better.

Here is a situation I have come across a few times. The spec is to implement a series of searches of increasing coarseness, depending on which arguments are passed; the users want the most focused set of records available, so once a specific search gets some hits we don't need to run the more general searches.

Nested IF statements provide one way to do this:

    result_set := sieve_1(p1=>var1, p2=>var2, p3=>var4, p4=>var5);

    if result_set.count() = 0
        result_set := sieve_2(p1=>var2, p2=>var3, p3=>var4);

        if result_set.count() = 0
            result_set := sieve_3(p1=>var3, p2=>var5);

            if result_set.count() = 0
            end if;
        end if;
    end if;      
    return result_set;     
Obviously as the number of distinct searches increases the nested indentation drives the code towards the right-hand side of the page. Here is an alternative implementation which breaks the taboo and does away with the tabs.
    result_set := sieve_1(p1=>var1, p2=>var2, p3=>var4, p4=>var5);
    if result_set.count() > 0
        goto return_point;
    end if;
    result_set := sieve_2(p1=>var2, p2=>var3, p3=>var4);
    if result_set.count() > 0
        goto return_point;
    end if;

    result_set := sieve_3(p1=>var3, p2=>var5);
    if result_set.count() > 0
        goto return_point;
    end if;
    << return_point >>
    return result_set;     
I think the second version has a clearer expression of intent. Did we find any records? Yes we did, job's a good'un, let's crack on.

GOTO: not as evil as triggers.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A new career in a new town

Well, I say "new career" but really it's the same thing: Oracle development. I'm working on some complex data matching routines for a data warehouse. But it is new, because I'm a contractor.

Going freelance has been a big step, as I was with Logica for over seventeen years. Actually, the company I joined was CMG, which through a chain of mergers, acquisitions and re-brandings became CMG Admiral, LogicaCMG, Logica and is now part of CGI. Contracting is something I have been considering for a while years but the actual decision almost took me by surprise. It's two weeks now, and I'm still enjoying it.

The "new town" part of the title is not quite accurate either, as Croydon is a town with a long and venerable history. But it's not a place I had been to before, although I have driven through it. This is not a crack at Croydon, it's just that sort of place; Wikipedia describes it as "a natural transport corridor between London and England's south coast".

Croydon is a bit odd, comprising zones of office blocks, shopping malls, car parks and entertainment complexes delineated by dual carriage ways and fly-overs. For me its chief virtue is a shortish commute. My last engagement for Logica entailed working away from home. After several months of living in a hotel room it's just nice to come back the family every evening.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Oracle and ANSI joins

Yesterday I was asked for my feelings about ANSI SQL join syntax. I think my main feeling is one of bafflement: why is this still an issue? After all, Oracle introduced support for the ANSI standard in SELECT statements in Oracle 9i, which means it has been available for over half my Oracle career. I admit it took me a while to get the hang of the syntax but now it is my default approach to writing queries. I like the separation of joins and filters, but I know not everybody does. For the doubters I have three words:
. To be fair, the person who asked me the question is working with a venerable codebase and the project standard is to use the old joining syntax. There is one other thing. Last year I worked on a SQL Server project. It was my first taste of T-SQL. Although overall I agree with Marvin the Paranoid Android - “How can you live in anything so small?” - I was most taken with its support for ANSI syntax in DML statements. For instance, to update one table with values from another is a simple matter:
update t1
set t1.col_a = t1.col_a + t2.col_b
from my_table t1 
     join some_other_table t2 
          on ( = )
Or to delete rows from one table if they don't match rows in another table, use an anti-join:
delete t1
from target_table t1
     left outer join check_table t2
        on ( t1.pk_col = t2.pk_col )
where t2.pk_col is null
The update is particularly elegant compared to the cumbersome sub-queries Oracle still demands. I think if Oracle had extended its ANSI SQL support beyond SELECT to the other DML commands the argument over whether to use the new syntax would have died out years ago.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Application integration: reorganise, recycle, repurpose

The last UKOUG Development SIG focused on Forms. Its theme was Forms in the 21st Century: modernise, integrate, migrate? I think we covered modernisation and migration very well. But even in a packed day we couldn't cover everything, and I fear integration was not done full justice.

It wasn't planned this way, but it so happens the upcoming UKOUG Development SIG is all about Application Integraton and SOA. Integration is a topic which is in everybody's baliwick. The business people want to get the best value from their existing IT investments. The architects need to understand the interfaces bewteen the silos and across the layers. The developers have to implement it.

Every stakeholder has to appreciate the others' concerns. SOA isn't any different from other IT endeavours in this respect, but it is still relatively unfamiliar. So the SIG's agenda covers integration from both technical and business perspectives. Check it out.

And, of course, please register for the day. The date is Thursday 14-JUN-2012, and it will happen at the Oracle City Office in London. Sign up here.