Monday, December 08, 2008

UKOUG2008 - Thursday

People kept telling me Being Steven Feuerstein was a striking presentation title. Although, as Niall Litchfield observed, James Morle's Driveheads revisited was pretty cool too. The thing about snappy titles is that they need to convey something about the subject matter as well as being funny, so I think James just edges it on the informative side.

The presentation had proved to be one of the hardest I have given, both in shaping the material and then in getting it down to 45 minutes. I went through it seven or eight times and it always took an hour. It was like a cartoon parcel: every time I pressed down on one bit another bit ballooned out. In the end I found myself in the hall just dropping whole chunks and hoping. I got to the wire with two minutes spare for questions (better than some other speakers I've seen this year).

My key insight into coding standards is that they don't make us better programmers. A program can be the acme of applied coding standards and still be functionally incorrect and bug ridden (although unit testing and code reviews should make that unlikely). More obviously a program can correctly implement the requirements and be bug-free yet fail to meet any set of coding standards whatsoever. No, the point of coding standards is to make us better team players, so that our programs play nice with programs written by other people. It's all about maintainability.

There was no time to relax after I finished because I had another session almost immediately. This session was difficult for another reason. I'd proposed the title Designing PL/SQL with a view to doing something different, something interactive, a sort of workshop. I'd prepared some design exercises with a view to stimulating some thinking. In hindsight I hadn't given enough thought to how I was actually going to run the session. In particular I hadn't got an ending, so it just fizzled out. It would have been a lot easier to give the session a shape if I could have topped and tailed it with some slides. But I chose to use the round table area so that people could talk and work together but it has no AV facility. So no Powerpoint. Also the exercises were too hard for people who had no experience in the sort of design decisions I wanted to explore, which seemed to be almost the whole audience.

So I await the feedback with interest. I don't know whether anybody else learned anything. But I certainly got some lessons in running interactive sessions. They are much harder than they look, because you need to put in just as much thought and preparation as a regular guy-plus-slides session, but rehearsing them is a trickier proposition (it's not really the sort of think you can do in a hotel room on your own). Still, the people in the UKOUG back office were supportive of the experiment, so I think I might have a second attempt at something like this next year. In the meantime, there are no slides to download for this session (obviously) but I will try to blog the exercises later.

After that session a couple of people asked me about automated unit testing, so I spent some time discussing testing in general and utplslql in particular. It made a change from evangelising to the uninterested, which is the more usual case. So I missed the start of Robyn Sands's talk on Root Cause Analysis in the service of reducing a support DBA's workload. She discussed the Five Whys as a technique for discovering what problem underlies an error message, the Ishikawa diagram for analysing all the possible sources of error and Pareto charts for seeing where most of the pain is. I particularly liked the way she redrew the Ishikawa fish to reflect a database scenario rather than its manufacturing origins.

The object is to fix the issues which will reduce the greatest number of calls, rather than reacting to the immediate symptoms. We all know thinking is good, but it can be hard to resist the pressure to resolve the surface issue and move on to the next ticket. Robyn was discussing a project she worked on which was dedicated to just eradicating persistent deep sources of bugs. The fact that this was a special project shows how hard it can be to resolve things properly in the real world.

My final task of the conference was chairing my colleague Roel Hartman's presentation on ApEx. This discussed a project to convert an archaic existing application (written in an obscure metadata-driven tool) into ApEx. The converted application had some neat features, including a good-looking planning tool with drag'n'drop. My concern is that Roel's presentation featured lots of JavaScript. How long can ApEx maintain a reputation for productivity when we still have to resort to bespoke coding for features as mundane as user-friendly calendar widgets and multi-column LOVs?

The contrast with Duncan Mills's session on the Fusion development platform earlier in the week is instructive. Duncan was discussing how the Fusion Apps developers are using JDeveloper. They operate under two rules:
  1. Write no SQL
  2. Write no JavaScript
The new generation of Oracle Applications are being assembled out of pre-built components and metadata driven frameworks. The range of JDeveloper widgets is comprehensive to the point of confusion (if you want to build your only implementation of MS Project JDev offers you a menu of Gantt chart components) but the results can be astounding: check out the Cuyahoga County GIS application.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

UKOUG2008 - Wednesday

The big topic of conversation has been the credit crunch, and what impact it has had on the conference. Certainly there seem to have been more cancelled sessions than in previous years. And the exhibition hall seems emptier. The striking feature is the absence of many stalwarts of previous years: no Microsoft, no Dell, no Quest, no Sun. Another feature is the complete absence from the stands of - and there is no PC way of putting this - dolly birds. It's all techies in polo shirts and marketeers in smart suits.

At least IBM still showed up. Their barista provides the only decent coffee on the site.

Actually, there is a presence from Sun: they have a stand for MySQL. I complimented the guy on his bravery. He said that 75% of Oracle users are also MySQL users, which is an interesting statistic and may even be one that he hasn't made up. He gave me a MySQL keyring, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

I went to see Mogens Norgaard do one of his idiosyncratic turns. He was as deceptively rambling and unfocused as ever, leavening his talk on goats and beer with many perceptive insights into our industry today. Mogens gives presentations like Les Dawson played piano: with consummate skill and exquisite timing. "We are all legacy now.... Look around you". Supporting his assertion that "Databases are legacy" he quoted an Oracle product manager at the ACE Directors' briefing from this year's Open World who claimed Coherence offered "zero latency" and "infinite scalability". Why are these people building middleware when clearly they should be building the spaceships that will take humanity to the stars?

I chaired Sue Harper's presentation on Visual Data Modelling using the SQL Developer Data Modeler tool. One of the doubts I had when Oracle purchased the CDW4ALL tool was regarding the business sense in buying a product only to give it away for free. Sue answered that question today: Oracle are not going to give it away. Although it's part of the SQL Developer brand it will be a licenced standalone product. Although there will be a free extension to the SQL Developer IDE which will allow developers to read OSDM models. Sue was demonstrating the EA2 release, which looks to have fixed a number of issues from the first release. In fact the whole tool looks very nice. In some ways it is a distinct improvement on Designer. The date of the production release is dependent on building a repository for the tool (currently everything is file-based). This shows that the team really is showing the same responsiveness to the product's users as they have shown with the SQL Developer IDE itself.

Words of wisdom from the bottle of Rittman-Mead beer I'm drinking as I write this: "A consultant is a man sent in after the battle to bayonet the wounded." Almost as true as this.

UKOUG2008 - Tuesday

The water tastes funny. This is not just a Londoner whinging about leaving his comfort zone, other people have commented on it too. And it's not just the water in the ICC it's the water in the hotel too. Perhaps it's time to resort to the medieval practice of drinking beer all the time.

Or then again perhaps not. People stopping by the Rittman-Mead Consulting booth can sample their branded beer (lager). Indeed beer will be pressed upon them. It's not bad but I totally blame Mark's beer for what happened next. I was chairing Steven Feuerstein's session on Weird PL/SQL. We were chattting about this and that when I glanced at my watch and noticed that the session should have started three minutes earlier. Tut tut. Steven's session was further interrupted by a screen blackout but he's a trouper and coped admirably. His presentation focused on some the quirks in PL/SQL. For instance are exceptions negative or positive? The answer is, it depends. Most are negative, execpt USER_DEFINED_ERROR and NO_DATA_FOUND. And then some of the built-in PL/SQL utilities store them as positive numbers. He also showed us some features in PL/SQL which had been implemented but not quite finished.

More fun was poked into Oracle in the next session I attended, a double bill from Hugh Darwen and Toon Koppelaars on DB Constraints, A Woeful State Of Affairs. Hugh led the attack. He had set his undergraduate students an exercise in modelling a simple banking application in two different ways. The first approach was to use Tutorial D implemented in Rel, which is a fully compliant relational language, and the second approach was to use Oracle SQL 10g, which is not. There were three things which Oracle could not implement. The first was enforcing the rule that a Customer must have an Account. The second to ensure that a Customer could have several different phone numbers but only one of a given type (Home, Work, Mobile). I'm not sure about this one, as I think it could have been modelled differently and in a way which Oracle could support, but I'm not going to cross swords with a modeller of Hugh's experience. The third hitch concerned outgoing transactions: payments with a cheque or credit card use the account number but paymenst with a debit card use the card number instead. The first two problems were due to DBMS vendors not implementing features in the SQL standard (such as CREATE ASSERTION) but this third was due to a peculiarity in Oracle's implentation, which don't allow compound unique indexes to have multiple null values in one of the columns.

Toon was responsible for defending the position of the vendors with regards to assertions. He did this by walking us through the complexities involved in enforcing the rule "If a Dept employs a Mgr or a President it must also employ an Admin". The basic principles are quite straightforward, the difficulty lies in tuning the rule so that it doesn't completely kill your application. For instance, you don't need to run the rule if you're inserting an employee who's not a manager or if you're deleting an employee who's not an administrator. I guess the place where Toon was heading is the difficulty of enforcing such rules in a multi-user environment. Unfortunately, the session overran with the start of the focus pubs, which as a SIG chair I had to attend. So I'll have to wait until I download his presentations to discover the denouement.

The stated aim of the focus pubs is networking: to allow delegates to meet the people people who run the SIGs and for us to badger them into doing presentations. Unfortunately the ambience is more like a nightclub than a pub: dim lighting so you can't see anybody, loud music so you can't hear anybody. Thus you end up mainly talking to people you already know. But that's good too.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

At last, the UKOUG show

I have been very busy recently, too busy to blog. Although I do have a stack of half-finished articles which I will finish off in the coming months. Mainly it's been work pressures: I'm coming to the end of my stint on my current project so there's been lots of tidying up and handing over to complete.

But also I've been working on two presentations for the UKOUG. One is stressful enough. The presentations are back to back on Thursday. The first is a regular presentation, called Being Steven Feuerstein, and it's a meditation on PL/SQL coding standards. I don't think Steven himself will be attending, which is a relief but also a disappointment as I was hoping to stage a PL/SQL version of the "I'm Spartacus!" scene. The other presentation is a more experimental session called Designing PL/SQL. It is in the round table area but it's not a round table. It's more of a Workshop.

Birmingham is its usual Christmas-y self, complete with street decorations in the achingly fashionable blue and white colour scheme. In fact it's been snowing, which I think is taking Christmasiness too far. I don't fancy negotiating the canal-side walkways once the slush has frozen over, particularly tonight, what with the ACE dinner following on from the focus pubs. I think I might skip into town to replace my work shoes with something more in the Timberland line.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Missing Open World

A belated post, because it still hurts that I wasn't able to go to Open World this year. But I console myself with the thought that many people probably couldn't go either. Besides, if I had to skip a year, OO2K8 was a good one to skip: no announcements on Fusion Middleware, nothing on 11gR2. I suppose the lack of big product launches and the concomitant absence of marketing hoo-hah left more space for useful technical sessions, but those would have been focused on 11g and 10gR2, which is still as far away as it ever was for my project.

Such announcements as there were seem rather ho-humish. Is there more to Oracle's support for the cloud than jumping on a fashionable bandwagon? Well there is Oracle's partnership with Intel. It's official: Larry now likes x86 chips more than he likes SPARCs. In fact, I think the big story from Open World is the dissolution of the Sun-Oracle relationship. For over a decade, Oracle on Solaris has gone together like a horse and carriage. Not any more.

The most significant thing about Ellison's keynote was not Exadata appliance itself - it's a rather niche product - but the fact that the hardware is supplied by HP. In the old days the hardware would have been Sun, but then Sun went and bought MySQL and things went rather sour. Funnily enough last week Sun announced a remarkably similar sounding device they
were building for Fox Interactive Media
, albeit using "Greenplum's data warehousing software on Sun's Solaris/ZFS based OpenStorage platforms".

Despite what I said earlier there were many interesting sounding presentations. Jared Still recently listed a few of them on Oracle-L. I hope that they will eventually be made available to the masses. At the moment there's only Oracle on demand which is demanding - oh ho! - $700 for streaming access to the presentations. I think I'll pass.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Variant on ORA-27101 error

A funny from a system test server today, which is being refreshed. The database is up and the oracle account can login through SQL*Plus without a hitch. However, when we attempt to connect through the OPS$ accounts, via sudo, we get the following error:
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
SVR4 Error: 2: No such file or directory
The first thought which occurs is the ORACLE_SID is wrong but it is not. Although the answer does lie in the .profile as it is the ORACLE_HOME which is wrong. The oracle account has an ORACLE_HOME of /u01/app/oracle/products/9.2.0 and the other accounts have /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0. Subtle, eh?

I think the difference occurred because Oracle was originally installed on this server at an earlier version and then subsequently upgraded, whereas the .profile files were copied from a server which had had a greenfield installation of Oracle 9iR2. The default path suggested by DBCA is definitely app/oracle/product/n.n.n and has been for quite a while. I don't know where the /products/ variant originated; judging by the relative number of Google hits, /product/ is the industry standard. Perhaps it didn't always used to be.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Log Buffer: #104: a Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Today, 4th July, is Independence Day. I know this because Tech Republic has sent me an e-mail of special Independence Day offers. Only not that special, as the list seems to be the same list of offers they mailed for Father's Day. At least that made sense: after all, nothing says "You're the best dad in the world" quite like a gift of the Administrator's Guide to TCP/IP But what sort of patriot celebrates Independence Day by settling down with IT Professional's Guide to Policies and Procedures, Third Ed instead of fireworks, corn dogs and "light tasting" beer? Probably the sort of patriot who reads Log Buffer, so I'd better get on with it.

Staying with the Independence Day theme Curt Monash picks up on a humourous press release from data warehouse appliance vendor Dataupia. It's in the form of a Declaration of Data Independence and is probably funnier if you're American.

In the UK there have been rumours that the government is planning a giant database to track all our telephone and internet activity. On the BCS blog David Evans skips the ethical dimensions and looks at some of the practical considerations. However, the most pertinent point is made by Matthew in the comments: "How many days after the launch of the Big Brother Database ... do you think it will be before someone loses a disk or backup tape full of its contents?"

I'm just an Oracle person, which according to Max Kanat-Alexander means I suffer from Oracle-itis. Apparently symptoms include not being able to recognise the difference between NULL and an empty string, and thinking that one thousand items is a sensible limit for an IN clause. Kevin Closson posted a suitably withering response in his series on things which doth crabby make.

Anyway, doing the Log Buffer has given me - with the assistance of David Edwards and Google - with some exposure to other databases and other ways of doing things. For instance, Leo Hsu and Regina Obe wrote about inheriting tables in PostgreSQL. This is quite a neat idea.
"lets say you developed a timesheet app for an organization and each department insisted on having their own version of the app and each along with the basic fields needed to track some additional ones of their own. Then higher forces came in and said I need to know what everyone is doing, but I don't need to see all that other crap they keep track of.. Two options come to mind - create a bunch of views that union stuff together or institute a round-up-the-children-and-adopt-them program."
In Oracle the only option would be the view (possibly of the materialized kind). Off the top of my head I can't recall a case where I could have used this but it's definitely the sort of capability it's nice to have in your back pocket.

Another intriguing idea which has no parallel in Oracle is the MySQL Sandbox. This is a framework for testing features of different versions of MySQL without jeopardising our primary environment. Its developer, Giuseppe Maxia, The Data Charmer announces that MySQL Sandbox 2.0 has been released.

Regardless of which database you use performance is always an issue. Hubert Lubacewski has a offers a technique for identifying who is is trashing the performance of your PostgreSQL database. Arjen Lentz posts a MySQL script for finding useless indexes. The problems are the same, but the metrics are very different from the ones I'm used to in Oracle: "The query returns all indexes in a db where the cardinality is lower than 30% of the rows, thus making it unlikely that the server will ever use that index." Peter Zaitsev on the MySQL Performance Blog discusses the importance of identifying where the bottlenecks are. There's no point in a web developer tweaking CSS or JavaScript if the real problem lies in the database access layer: "get real numbers for your application before you decide." Ken Downs , the Database Programmer, has some general SQL advice on designing your web application's data model. Mr Oracle Index himself, Richard Foote, gives us his 3 Steps To Performance Tuning.

Transaction management is one of those things which varies considerably from product to product. Many Oracle practioners still think MySQL doesn't have transaction management. This is a canard Pythian's own Keith Murphy lays to rest by writing on transactions in InnoDB. In a related post covering transaction basics says he may write further pieces on "the major storage engines and their transactional characteristics". I presume he means the different MySQL storage engines but I think there's scope for a series which covers all the different database products.

For instance, nested transactions in SQL Server strikes me as asking for trouble. Which is why Kalen Delaney rails against the loss of the Sysprocesses.open_tran column in the SQL Server 2005 metadata.
"Sysprocesses contains a columns called open_tran which reflects the transaction nesting of each session. If a session issues four BEGIN TRAN commands, with no COMMITs or ROLLBACKs, their session will have an open_tran value in sysprocesses of 4. Any open_tran value greater than 0 might mean that a transaction is holding locks and blocking other processes, or it might be keeping the transaction log from being cleared. If you ever notice open_tran values in higher than 2 or 3, it's a pretty good indication that a developer doesn't know much about SQL Server transaction management."
Back to Pythian where Sheeri Cabra reviews MONyog, a GUI monitoring tool for MySQL. Overall she is favourably impressed: "MONyog is the best out-of-the-box GUI monitoring tool for MySQL that I have seen.” Although she does have reservations about its logging. Personally I think the name is a mistake: it sounds too much like something out of H P Lovecraft.

Some Oracle stuff now. Chen Shapira, the not-so-simple DBA puts her Statistics degree to good use by building a custom aggregation function that will return a random salary using Oracle's Data Cartridge extensibility features.
"The main challenge was to make the aggregation truly random....Suppose I have three rows. The way aggregation works, I first take two rows and flip a coin to pick one. Now I have a current value - and I have to take the third row and decide if I want to keep the current value or the new one. I can’t flip the coin again - because if the third row has 50% chance to be selected, this means the first and second rows only have 25% chance each. Not fair. So I need to give the third row 1/3 chance, and the current value 2/3."
On Oracle Base, Tim Hall demontrates the long-overdue support for case-sensitive passwords which Oracle have introduced in 11g.

Oracle has acquired the IKAN tool CWD4ALL and they're going to use it to give SQL Developer a decent modelling support capability. I would have though there would be more excitement about this in the blogosphere (certainly the ODTUG Designer listerserver has been cock-a-hoop) but only Dietmar Aust seems to have picked it up. Perhaps hardly anybody cares about modelling, in which case TOAD's marketshare is safe.

Last week I was judging abstracts for the UKOUG 2008 Conference, and there were three submissions for sessions on best practices in programming with ApEx. Alex Gorbachev (Pythian, again) shows why these talks are necessary with an example of poor SQL taken from the official Oracle documentation.

Lot's of people are asking questions. SQLDenis asks rhetorically Sybase IQ Is A Columnar Database, Why Should I Care?
"What does this mean? This mean that the data is stored in columns and not in rows. Inserts are slower that a traditional row based database but selects are many times faster (up to 50 times). The good thing about this technology is that the SQL looks the same, the only difference is that the data is stored in a different way."
Robert Hodges at The Scale-Out Blog wants to know, what's your favorite database replication feature? Call me shallow, but it's not a topic to which I'm given much thought. I can tell you my five all-time top favourite cover versions instead.

Meanwhile Jon Emmons poses the question Ever wonder what your DBAs really do?. It turns out there's more to the job than drinking coffee, swearing at developers and losing the backup tapes. Who knew?

Of course, DBAs have plenty of reasons to swear at developers. In Extreme Makeover - Database Edition CrazyDBA shows us his scars from a SQL Server version upgrade:
"Saturday morning, migrating from "old prod" to "new prod". We finish up during the afternoon. On Sunday evening (yes, more than 24 hours later), we are notified that the system is not performing properly. We double check things on our end and everything seems to be working, well, except that the duration for some queries have gone from three seconds on "old prod" to twelve minutes on "new prod". Ouch. Our team investigates a bit further and escalates the issue to the (sleeping) onsite team, who pick up their research on Monday morning.

What do we do first on Monday morning? Well, we go to the new test system and run the query. It takes eight minutes. Turns out development is slow as well. Surely someone noticed this during testing, right?"

Er, wrong.

Rick Heiges asks It's Q3 - where is SQL Server 2008? To make him happy (and Mr CrazyDBA even happier), according to Jason Massie there's a rumour that SQL Server 2008 is due to ship next week (or this week if you're reading after the weekend).

From the new releases to some ancient history. Willie Favero comments on an article about DB2's 25th birthday from Information Week. It's interesting to see what counted as a new feature in those days: "You could dynamically add tables or change tables without taking the system down. It doesn't take much imagination now to see this was a huge leap forward," recalled Don Haderle, chief architect of DB2.

Back to the future. Over at the IT Toolbox Lewis Cunningham has his head in the clouds. Or rather Cloud. This is a neat summation of all the main players in Cloud databases. Cloud computing is a rather attractive idea, but I think there is some way to go before it is a practical solution for business. Web access is still far from pervasive or guaranteed, and as the Register pointed out this week, there are still some kinks in the business model to iron out. Lewis describes Amazon as the 800lb gorilla in the cloud space (stratosphere?) and the Register also has a good piece explaining Amazon's interest in the technology.

In his Data Migration blog Johny Morris (no, not that one) invites us to consider the benefits of meetings, in this case Data Quality Rules meetings: "Use them not just instrumentally to solve the issues in front of you but also to build the team that jointly will have uncover all the knowledge hidden in the organisation." Exactly the sort of benefit which will be hard to realise when we are all working in the Cloud and never visit the office.

Finally, nothing to do with databases but I'm sure relevant to us all (at least those who are still office bound), Suzanne Thornberry at Tech Republic writes about the health risks IT professionals run. These include such things as eye strain, bobblehead syndrome and seated immobility thromboembolism (SIT), which is like DVT only worse. So stop reading this and go do something more healthy instead!


The Log Buffer is a community activity facilitated by Pythian. Find out more.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Installing Oracle 10g on Ubuntu Hardy Heron

I'm now working in a client site. One of the differences is that each development desktop bears a smug "Ubuntu - Linux for human beings" sticker. This is the first time I have really tangled with Linux. I'm not going to risk the wrath of Verity Stob by detailing my journey into the heart of the penguin. But I thought it would be worthwhile documenting my experiences with installing Oracle 10gR2 on Ubuntu 8.04 (AKA Hardy Heron).

Ubuntu is touted as a user-friendly flavour of Linux, and certainly the graphical desktop is welcoming to people used to Windows. However things get pretty gnarly pretty quickly as soon as you want to do anything off piste. And Oracle is not supported on Ubuntu ( the supported distros are Suse, RHEL, Asialux and Oracle's own Unbreakable Linux) things go very off piste indeed. In the absence of official documentation we're thrown on the resources of the internet. There is lots of information out there - the sort of people who love Linux are the sort of people who love the web - but it is often written with a presumption of familiarity in Linux. In amongst the shedloads of helpful advice there are opaque sentences such as this): "to install lesstif2 you will need to use 'Adept' to enable the universe repository or edit /etc/apt/source.list" (unfairly quoting Todd Trichler out of context). I know I should have devoted myself to studying the Linux architecture before I started but I really needed to install Oracle now.

The first guide Google turned up was Luca Mearelli's Installazione di Oracle 10g su Ubuntu Linux which as you might have guessed is written in Italian. I found this quite distracting as anything in that language sounds like opera.
Madame Butterfly. Act 2. Scene 1.Whilst she awaits the return of Lt Pinkerton Koko-chan amuses herself by installing Oracle on different Linux distros. She sings the aria Impostazione dei parametri del kernel.
It was the setting of kernel parameters which drew me up short. There was no explanation (and even if there had been, my Italian would not have been up to translating it). Should I be changing kernel values on the say-so of a random Google hit?

So I surfed a bit more and found Installing 11g on Ubuntu Hardy Heron by Pythian's Augusto Bott. This article is so good that it has been ripped off by plagiarising sites. Augusto's guide included the same changes to the same kernel parameters as Luca's guide but it included explanations (through a link to his earlier article about installing Oracle 11g on Ubuntu Feisty Fawn). Although he wrote his guide for 11g it works just as well for 10g. There were still a few things which caused me some puzzlement and I will discuss those below.

I wasted a lot of time trying to install 64-bit Oracle (because we have 64-bit desktops). I could download it and run the Installer but I couldn't get OUI to link the database packages. The problem is:

INFO: /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible
when searching for -lsql10

After a couple of hours fruitlessly downloading further packages I gave up and tried 32-bit, which worked first time without a hitch.

Annotations for Augusto Bott's guide

Step 3 applied because I was installing on the Ubuntu desktop. The gotcha is in the innocuous statement "You will have to restart your Xserver for this change to take effect." The Ubuntu desktop environment is X so the simplest way of doing this is to logout and login again. However I only discovered this fact after I issued the following command in a terminal window:
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
Theoretically this should have just dumped me out to a text-mode command prompt. It didn't quite work that way so I had to resort to a hard reboot. Incidentally, another way to get out of the graphical environment is ALT+CTRL+F1 while ALT+CTRL+F7 gets you back again.

In Step 8 the wise man will take a backup of these files just in case. The suggested values seem to be common across all the install guides I read, so I trusted them :) Given that I was only installing locally I didn't bother setting the network parameters.

Step 9 is the actual install of the software. Oracle's Universal Installer is a Java applet, which is why we need to change the X Windows settings. If you have trouble with this step first make sure you have done Step 3 properly. However I still got the OUI-10025 message. More Googling threw up this piece of voodoo, which solved the problem:

clarkea@clarkea-desktop:~$ export DISPLAY=:0.0
clarkea@clarkea-desktop:~$ sudo su - oracle
Your account has expired; please contact your system administrator
su: User account has expired
oracle@clarkea-desktop:~$ export DISPLAY=:0.0
oracle@clarkea-desktop:~$ xhost +
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host

If xhost or xclock works then you can run OUI.

The OUI wizard is slightly different in 10g. In particular it doesn't prompt for ORACLE_BASE and it defaults the paths to hang off your $HOME directory. You may want to change the location to /u01/app.

For me the actual install and linking process did not take nearly as long as Augusto suggests it will. Obviously our machines are a lot more powerful than his :)

Finally, if you apply the scripts Augusto suggests you will need to change the paths to point to 10.2.0 instead of 11.1.0.

To apply the patch you just need to repeat the process.

Further References

Augusto's earlier article on installing on Ubuntu Feisty Fawn (which has some additional explanation of the parameter tweaking)

Oracle Release for 10gR2 on Linux note

Oracle Install Guide for RHEL4 and SLES9

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sun push the thread envelope

According to The Register the next iteration of Sun's Niagara chip will have 16-cores and 16 threads per core . Apart from the mind-boggling number of threads which will become available in an eight socket 1U rack, the licensing implications are a bit of a facer for Oracle. Soon a server with a single chip in it could incur a sixteen CPU license. At least at the moment if customers don't want to pay Oracle's multi-core fees they have the option to tear out some chips. But that's not an option with Niagara 3. Can Oracle seriously maintain a policy of selling licenses in bundles of sixteen?

Monday, June 09, 2008

UKOUG DE SIG 10-JUL-2008: the Agenda agenda

A while back I was discussing the difficulty of assembling a SIG agenda with a fellow chair. He had recently taken over his SIG and had been expecting to find a long list of volunteer speakers. He was disappointed by the reality, which is - alas - scraping around to get presenters. I was relieved it's not just the Development SIG with this problem. There's just over four weeks to go before the next SIG and I still have only three confirmed speakers, although I am confident of getting at least one more.

There are a number of different sources for speakers. The obvious one is Oracle itself. Every SIG has an Oracle buddy (strictly speaking they're called Ambassadors but the "buddy" tag stuck). Our buddy is the redoubtable Grant Ronald, who is a Group Product Manager in Oracle's Tools Division, which makes him the go-to man for Forms and JDeveloper. For the upcoming SIG Grant will be presenting on Oracle ADF 11g: New Declarative Development Features for Fusion . This will be an opportunity to see whether JDeveloper is yet approaching the productivity which Forms has offered us for more than fifteen years. Grant will also be giving us a brief overview of the new features in Forms 11g.

Oracle Consulting also provide us with speakers. It's a good place to get information on the newer Oracle products and technology. I'm still waiting for David Richards, the SIG's Consulting contact, to get back to me, but he usually comes up with the goods.

We do get offered sessions from vendors. I think it is an important function of the SIG to bring relevant products to the notice of our audience. But we have had feedback that people don't like sales-oriented presentations, particularly at SIGs because the single stream means there's no choice. This is why I am especially grateful to Peter Sechser from PITSS for offering a wholly technical presentation on turning an older Forms application into a SOA application which isn't a sales pitch for their PITSS.CON product.

Another, largely theoretical, source is people - actual users - who have volunteered to present. Unfortunately we get almost no such offers. I'm not quite sure why this is, but I suspect it is related to the reason why we get lower attendance compared to the DBA SIGs. Apart from anything else, the smaller audience represents a smaller pool of potential speakers. Then again, perhaps developers are just shyer than DBAs.

My final option is to phone a friend - or at least e-mail people whose blogs I like. In previous years I have buttonholed Rob Baillie and Tim Hall. This year's victim is Adrian Billington, who will be presenting on pipelined functions in PL/SQL. Adrian is a knowledgeable practitioner of PL/SQL so I'm hoping to learn lots from this one. I also approached another Oracle ACE for a presentation: I've still got my fingers crossed but I fear this one's going to fall through.

Putting the agenda together is a tough task, I try to balance the topics between the firm favourites (i.e. Forms) and the new (Java, ApEx). I like to include at least one unfamiliar topic in the mix (PHP, .Net, Rules Engines). But most of all I think it is my duty to ensure that we have presentations from different sources: I could easily have five sessions from Oracle employees but it is meant to be a User Group, not a branch of Oracle marketing.

So, if you're an Oracle developer based in the UK please come to the SIG. It's in Blythe Valley Park (near Solihull) on July 10th 2008. It's open to all comers (it's just more expensive to get in if your organisation doesn't have a UKOUG membership). But also, please consider presenting at the SIG. I admit it's not as glamorous as the annual conference but it is still a worthwhile and rewarding experience. If you are interested please contact Julius Kisielius at the UKOUG office.

Hanging around

I've just come back from holiday in Kos. One of the modern challenges of going away is figuring out how to hang up a pair of trousers in the hotel wardrobe. This apparently simple task has become more complicated because of the replacement of old-fashioned hook hangers with two-part security hangers. The hook hangers could be easily removed from the rail in order to facilitate the hanging of clothes. With the new hangers we have to disengage the frame from the closed loop. In this hotel the connection was a ball-and-socket arrangement which required a technique like that required by those buzzing wire steady-hand games at school fairs. The equivalent of the dreaded buzz is your trousers slipping off the frame and falling in a heap on the wardrobe floor. It is particularly difficult in a crammed wardrobe (my wife is a firm believer in "way too many" being better than "too few" when it comes to packing holiday clothes).

As a hotel guest, my user requirements for a clothes hanger are:
  1. hanging my trousers;
  2. simple to use.
However, guests are not the only stakeholders. The hotel owners also have a set of requirements:
  1. allow guests to hang their trousers;
  2. discourage guests from taking hangers home.
Clearly the first requirements on both stakeholders' lists are in alignment. But whilst the hook hanger satisfies the guest's second requirement it doesn't satisfy the owner's second requirement. Whereas the closed loop hanger meets the owner's second requirement but fails to meet the guest's. In situations like this, when two requirements clash it is usual for the customer's requirement - the bill payer - to trump the user's requirement.

And that's why almost universally hotels now have security hangers in their wardrobes. At least in this situation the user's top requirement - hanging my trousers - has been implemented in a convenient fashion. The hotel could just have provided a wardrobe rail and told us to bring our own clothes hangers (i.e. as a self-service application).

Friday, May 02, 2008

Idle thoughts of a idle coder

Brian Tkatch has launched a thread on the PL/SQL forum about enhancements to SQL which would just basically save some typing: Things i wish SQL supported. The lazy man's list. This is quite a revealing thread, because it is always interesting to see what shortcuts people would like to take. It's a bit like peeking inside the medicine cabinet in other people's bathrooms (not that I would ever do that).

My personal wish is for:
select * {-empno} from emp;

That is, select all columns from the EMP table except EMPNO. This would be particularly useful for querying tables with BLOB columns in SQL*Plus.

As the thread as grown it has turned into a discussion of SQL theory ("conceptually, (using Venn diagrams) the tables/views are the circles, and the predicates define in what way the circles overlap") which requires too much concentration. The thread was supposed to be about laziness!

The patron saint of programmer laziness is Larry Wall, the inventor of Perl:
"The virtues extolled for Perl programmers are laziness, impatience, and hubris. Together, these admirable characteristics have led to the creation and use of many publicly accessible Perl modules. Because of laziness, programmers would rather write modules than repeat a procedure over and over (and would rather use modules written by other people than write new code from scratch). Because of impatience, programmers write consolidated code that is flexible enough to anticipate their future needs. And because of hubris, programmers share their triumphs with the rest of the Perl community and continually tweak their modules until they're the best they can be."

The problem with proactive laziness is that it can be hard to estimate how much effort will be saved later by putting in some extra effort now. Plus, writing automating utilities and code generators can just be a seductive form of procrastination. It feels like work but we aren't moving forwards. In the end we spend so much time sharpening the axe that we never get around to cutting down the tree. So the trick is to only automate the things we know it will be worth automating. This means doing something the plain way at first. Only when we get to the second or third cut'n'paste should we consider whether we need a parameterised module instead. The important thing is to automate early, in order to derive the maximum return on the work.

I am currently practicing cut'n'paste programming in a test data generator. I could refactor my code to drive off an array but re-editing my package to populate a collection will be a PITA. I should have done it some time ago, but I failed to realise just how many additional datasets I was going to need. At this point the ROI on the automation is quite small. So I have chosen to continue paying the find/copy/edit tax rather than spending half a day to figure out a better way of doing things. In the long run I will have expended more effort but in the meantime I keep making progress towards the main goal.


Over on the Artima site Jeremy Meyer has written an article on Why it is better to be lazy.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Esprit de cores

Oracle-L has been hosting an interesting thread on migrating to another (cheaper) DBMS. It seems like the company in question has not targeted a specific product yet, they just want a cheaper one. The entire thread has much to recommend it but I would like to highlight Mark Brinsmead's analysis of the definition of 'processor' in the Oracle License and Services Agreement, because it complements my post on licensing multi-core servers.
"[The OLSA] certainly adds a new wrinkle to SE licensing that I had not noticed until just now. Probably a lot of IT professionals, few IT managers, and even fewer lawyers, know the difference between a 'chip' and a 'carrier'. What's more, how many people *know* when they are purchasing a system with quad-core X86 'CPUs' whether the carriers in that system contain a single chip with 4 cores, 2 chips with two cores each, or four single-core chips. It makes little difference when purchasing the hardware (well, okay, it might make more than you think), but it can make a *huge* difference to your license costs and compliance."

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Core blimey!

The Register reports on the latest developments in Oracle's multi-core licensing policy:
"Oracle, we hear, is charging a factor of .75 for Sun's T2 and T2+ systems even though they're running at about the same speed as the T1s. The major difference with the new chips is their support for more threads and the fact that the T2+s can go into multi-socket servers making them more useful for, er, databases. And by 'more useful' here we mean 'useful at all' since no one in their right mind would have thrown the older T1 systems at Oracle.

The .75 T2 factor comes as quite a shock to Sun customers who have upgraded their hardware only to have the Oracle tax man come along and tell them that the solid price/performance they were expecting via the hardware will be eroded via the software."
Of course Oracle is entitled to price its licences however it wants. But trebling the fees for customers who move to a different server with the same number of cores as their old kit doesn't seem like the best way to maintain loyalty. It also alienates Sun, who have previously used the favourable licensing terms to sell T1 boxes.

I disagree with Ashlee Vance's conclusion that Oracle's licensing policy will drive customers into the arms of IBM. If you're going to take the pain of moving to a new DBMS and if licensing costs are the main driver then free is a lot more attractive than DB2, no matter how sane IBM's fee structure. In his blog Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz recounts a pertinent story from a recent visit to a large commercial institution:
"We had just closed the acquisition of MySQL, so before I wrapped up, I asked, 'And would you like a quick update on the newest addition to our family, MySQL?'

The CIO responded categorically with 'we don't run MySQL, we run [name withheld to protect the proprietary].' The CISO said, 'We can't just let developers download software off the net, you know, we've got regulation and security to worry about.' The CTO smiled. Everyone else appeared to be sitting on their hands. I was going to leave it at that. Thanks for the business.

Until a (diplomatically) assertive Sun sales rep piped up, 'Um... no, I connected with a buddy of mine over at MySQL, and had him check - you've downloaded MySQL more than 1,300 times in the last twelve months.'

After a profoundly awkward silence, one of the individuals from their internal development team piped up, 'Actually, everybody uses it. Why bother hassling with license agreements when MySQL's got you covered. We're stoked you bought them.'"
As we all know, purchasing decisions are frequently made on the basis of which product is the most cost-effective rather than which product is the best. The danger for Oracle is that Sun's purchase of MySQL lends the free database a lot more credibility than it had before. If Oracle won't give Sun any more sweetheart deals then Sun has more reason to start trumpeting the price-performance advantages of running MySQL on their new multi-core boxes. Oracle has made a lot of play about the benefits of free when it adopted Linux as its OS of choice. So it's not like it doesn't understand the allure. Which is probably why Oracle has restricted the price gouging to the Enterprise Edition licences whilst the Standard Edition is charged per socket. The jump from the SE feature set to MySQL is probably a lot less daunting than the equivalent jump from EE.


Over at the Service Architecture - SOA blog Steve Jones considers the implications of the Register article for Software licensing in a virtual world.

Footnote #2

At the time of writing, the Multi-Core Processors - Impact on Oracle Processor Licensing document hurls an 404 error. This may indicate that Oracle are updating it to reflect the new chip sets.

Footnote #3

Also worth a read is the Register's recent interview with Mark Shuttleworth, Ubuntu's rentaquote-in-chief. Amongst other things he makes this prediction about Oracle's Unbreakable Linux strategy:
"Oracle will find themselves in a position where, if this business is successful or strategically important to them, they will need to fork or buy Red Hat. They will do one of those things within three to five years."

Monday, April 14, 2008

Jean Prouvé: The poetics of the technical object

I confess I had never heard of Prouvé before I came across this exhibition at London's Design Museum but the title grabbed me. If I had have known how interesting and relevant Prouvé was I would not have left it to the last minute to go. I think he's not better known outside of France because he mainly worked on municipal projects.

He never formally trained as an architect; so although he did work on the design of buildings, his is not the name which tends to be associated with them. His most iconic designs are chairs. But these are chairs for university halls of residence, works canteens and classrooms, not the sort of chairs which grace Notting Hill living rooms.

Although he came from an artistic background Prouvé started out as an artisanal blacksmith in 1919. He quickly moved from wrought ironwork into steel and aluminium, but he always remained rooted in the practice of working with materials. He designed through trials and testing of concepts.
" should not sketch out utopian projects, because evolution can only result from practical experience."
This commitment to evolution is demonstrated by a display of Standard Chairs, variations on a theme produced by Prouvé's workshop over the course of two decades. The basic shape and configuration of Chair No.305 is not markedly different from Chair No.4. There are minor tweaks, and there are variations in material: wood, steel or aluminium, plain or lacquered. The biggest adaptation was the collapsible Standard Chair.

As an artisan and then a factory owner he understood the properties of wood and metal and their appropriate usages. Designers and architects more driven by the need to appear avant garde tended to get carried away with the thrill of new materials and looking modern. Prouvé appreciated that good design had to come from functional success: no matter how striking it looks, a chair is no good if it is not comfortable to sit in. An example is the Solvay table, which is made of wood bolted together with lacquered steel. The engineering of the table is not hidden, it is part of the aesthetic, but neither is it fetishised.

Prouvé was a early adopter of the concept of design patterns. He assembled a dictionary of structures which could be reused in different situations and scales. The crutch - a asymmetric Y shape - which supports the roof of the Pump House at Evian re-appears in the design of an armchair. He devised a roof made of single curved pieces of steel. These shells were light enough for two men to slot them together. At a larger scale this shape could be rested on the ground to form vaulted halls. One favourite shape, a elongated pentagon, appears repeatedly in his work: as the back legs of the Standard Chair, as the legs of various tables, in the cross-section of a table top, even as the handles of a sideboard.

I tend to be wary of attempts to draw parallels between our industry and branches of engineering or architecture, as these strike me as attempts to lend software development a spurious sense of discipline. Just calling it "software engineering" does not make writing a program as rigourous an activity as building a motorway flyover. However, with his commitment to iteration, re-use, modification and adaptation, and his championing of practice over theory it is hard not to regard Jean Prouvé as the Godfather of Extreme Programming.

There's more

The other exhibition at the Design Museum featured lots of modern work. One of the most striking exhibits was a chair "sketched" by a Japanese design house called FRONT. Their designers have developed a mechanism for designing furniture through motion capture and then rendering the designs using extruded plastic. Unlike Prouvé's work you probably wouldn't want to sit on the chair or rest a cup of coffee on the table but the process is fascinating to watch.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Big zips

I have just downloaded the database patch for Windows 32bit. It is a zip file which weighs in at a cool 1,034,080,256 bytes. Opening it up reveals a single directory called Disk1. Well I suppose it's one way of maintaining the fiction that Oracle installs fit on a single disk. This is the first time I have come across a patch which is too big to fit on a CD-R. It's a pain, because DVD burners are not yet standard kit and certainly all our servers still just have CD drives.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Comparing CHAR values

Here is a table with a single row of data.

SQL> create table my_tab (c2 char(2))
2 /

SQL> insert into my_tab (c2) values ('Y ')
2 /

1 row created.


Which of the following queries will match that row?

select * from my_tab where c2 = 'Y'

select * from my_tab where c2 = 'Y '

select * from my_tab where c2 = 'Y '

If you said all three you get a cigar (providing you live in a jurisdiction where such infernal devices are still permitted).

SQL> select * from my_tab where c2 = 'Y';

SQL> select * from my_tab where c2 = 'Y ';

SQL> select * from my_tab where c2 = 'Y ';

The reason is due to Oracle's rules for comparing blank-padded datatypes. If the two values are of differing sizes Oracle pads the smaller variable with the requisite number of blank spaces. Obviously it is documented.

On the whole I think this is a boon - CHAR columns are a pain in the neck at the best of times, without having to worry unnecessarily about additional RPAD calls. This is unfortunate if you are relying on 'Y ' being different to 'Y'; but if your application depends on trailing spaces for data integrity then you probably have bigger problems.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Hacking a pacemaker

In the last few days I have read a couple of pieces which quote the William Gibson dictum "the future has already arrived, it’s just not distributed evenly". Confirmation that we are indeed living in a science-fiction story arrived today in the shape of a message on the Full Disclosure list: hacking a pacemaker. Security researcher Gadi Evron cites a report in the NYT.
" The threat seems largely theoretical. But a team of computer security researchers plans to report Wednesday that it had been able to gain wireless access to a combination heart defibrillator and pacemaker.

They were able to reprogram it to shut down and to deliver jolts of electricity that would potentially be fatal . if the device had been in a person. In this case, the researcher were hacking into a device in a laboratory. "
What a great way to assassinate somebody....

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Code quality metrics

Whenever two or three developers gather together they will argue over the best tool for editing code. Once they've chewed the spearmint out of that they will commence a heated discussion on ways to measure code quality. But I think this cartoon by Thom Holwerda pretty much nails it.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ellison on hostile acquisitions

Fake Steve Jobs links to a piece in the New Yorks Times by Andrew Ross Sorkin on Larry Ellison's thoughts about the recent spate of hostile acquisitions (many of them by Oracle). Larry demonstrates his knack for a well-turned line. I have never worked for Big Red so I am not in a position to comment on his assessment of Oracle's friendliness. But he has a very sound view of sales and marketing people:
“What makes you think that engineers are happier, for example, working at PeopleSoft rather than at Oracle?” he asked. “Who says it’s unfriendly?”

The people who are most likely to scream and moan about an acquisition are the marketing people and salespeople — who, by the way, are the most dispensable, he said.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

What... is your favourite colour?

Yesterday somebody called Pradeep posted a question in the OTN PL/SQL forum asking for careers advice. He is a VB programmer working in a Microsoft code factory (in India I would guess). He wanted to know what the Oracle job market was like, because he wanted thinking of training as an "oracle developer".

The reaction from some of the forum regulars was dismissive. Here is a sample:
"There are so many career/job opportunities in IT that to ask on a forum like this for career direction advice is just ... Well, just not a good idea.

But put yourself in Pradeep's position. (Note the following is an extrapolation: I don't really know his circumstances). A combination of the commoditization of IT and outsourcing has produced software sweatshops, where you, the developer equivalent of a sharecropper, churn out code chunks to be assembled into systems elsewhere. It's repetitive, stultifying and without much room for personal growth. Even if you do hear of a better job you know you are surrounded by dozens of other sharecroppers who stand just as much chance of getting it as you.

So Pradeep has thought to himself, Oracle is a famous company but he doesn't know anybody who works as an Oracle developer. That means he is going to face much less competition for any Oracle job which might arise. You might find this optimistic but it is thinking outside of the box. He then shows further initiative by posting a question about Oracle careers on the OTN forums. Because he thinks that the people who answer questions there will be helpful - which they are - and they will have the relevant knowledge - they all have careers in Oracle development.

What he hadn't anticipated was that quite so many people regard the PL/SQL forums as a suitable place for rehashing Monty Python jokes and discussing antiquated programming languages but not for offering careers advice. It's a funny old world.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Openness: CMG's unsecret sauce

The CMG Wake last Friday was a lot of fun. Estimates have placed attendance at around the 700 mark, which made the pub extremely crowded and rather noisy.

Whilst queuing at the bar I got talking to someone who left the company in 1987. He put his finger on the unique thing about CMG. He now lectures in Business Studies and cites CMG to his students as an example of openness in business. In CMG everything was open: the personal files hung in open cabinets in the office. You could read anyone's file - from their job application form to their latest staff appraisal. Yes, including salary.

That's the bit which gets people. When Brian Behlendorf talked about introducing open source principles in general working practices at OOW2K6 one of the questions afterwards was whether such openness, if taken to its logical extreme, would result in everybody knowing how much everybody else earns.

Well, why not? Partly it's just embarrassment - many people would rather discuss their medical conditions or their bedroom fantasies than their pay-packet. But the main objection seems to be "I wouldn't want my colleagues to know how much I earn". The objectors are presuming that they earn more than their co-workers. I think some of those people would be very interested to discover that all their colleagues get paid more than them. And they'd want to know why.

The accepted wisdom in CMG was that open salaries promoted fairness: the management couldn't play favourites because anybody could ask them "How come Joe Soap gets paid 10K more than me?" and have to provide an answer. In practice there were probably all sorts of anomalies - especially in pay rates across different divisions - but it felt fair. I know people who work in law firms and finances houses where discussing your salary with co-workers is a disciplinary offence. Most companies aren't that fierce but very few companies are as open as CMG was.

I don't think openness was the only thing which made CMG special, but it was one of the reasons why so many people feel affection for the company, even if they did stop working for it over twenty years ago. Although I'm sure the promise of a free bar helped too.

Update: 06-MAR-2008

Currently Dilbert has an amusing take on payroll secrecy. I think this link will eventually break, so get it whilst it's hot :D

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Better late than never

There is a new white paper on OTN called Upgrading from Oracle Database 9i to 10g: What to expect from the Optimizer. I am working on a 9i project which is considering upgrading to 10g (quite possibly the last such in the world) so I think we'll find it useful. Of course, it might also be helpful to people who have already done the upgrade and are experiencing performance problems in their new environment.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Farewell to CMG

Thirteen years ago tomorrow I joined a consultancy company called CMG. When I went for the interview I'd never heard of it but the interview process impressed me. Fortunately things worked out well and I've been with the company ever since. In 2003 we merged with another consultancy, Logica, to become LogicaCMG. Until Wednesday, when the name was reverted back to Logica.

This makes sense in many ways. More people had heard of Logica than had heard of CMG, although the separate companies had been of equivalent size. And it was a bit of a mouthful - even I had taken to calling us plain Logica. But it is a sad moment. CMG was a special sort of company; people define themselves by the fact that they worked for CMG, even if they left the company years ago. And that's why several hundred ex-CMGers - because we are all ex-CMGers now - are descending on a pub in London to mark the passing of the name in the traditional CMG style. Cheers!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Guru's burden

Those of us who answer questions in forums or add a comment to a blog will recognise the truth of this cartoon from the ever-reliable xkcd comic.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Data modelling and other dying arts

Martin Widlake sent me an e-mail after last months UKOUG Unix SIG:
"At my presentation at the UKOUG Unix SIG yesterday I suggested that formal design was almost dead, replaced with organic design and asked if anyone still used ERDs. No one did. Not one.
This kind of bothered me. Does it mean that just ERDs are dead? Or that a room full of DBAs is a room full of people who do not do systems design (I am just as shocked by that if it is true)? Or maybe formal design is a dead concept."
There's two points here. The first, the utter lack of DBAs who do data modelling tasks, doesn't surprise me in the slightest. This is the nature of the modern DBA's job. Production DBAs look after live systems: they don't design them. Increasingly people are becoming DBAs straight out of college. These guys have never worked as developers and probably never will. The older geezers, who followed the more traditional route of starting out as programmers and progressing into the DBA role, probably haven't worked on development projects in years.

Also the IT landscape has changed. Even ten years ago many organisations had one or at most a handful of databases. It was possible for a DBA to be responsible for a single database; knowing its purpose and its value to their organisation was part of the job description. These days it is not uncommon to find DBAs working in teams looking after dozens even hundreds of databases. Furthermore the production DBA may well work for a different company (i.e. an outsourcer), possibly in a different continent from the users. Their relationship with the databases they administer is mediated through SLAs and ITIL compliant procedures. So they have little incentive and even less time to appreciate the databases under their care. Indeed, given the prevalence of Sarbanes-Oxley and similar pressures, production DBAs will be increasingly encouraged to remain in ignorance. A production DBA is somebody who knows the metadata of everything and the business purpose of nothing.

Of course, there are DBAs who do work on development projects. They are often combine the role with that of being a developer, especially on smaller projects. They often get called database engineers rather than DBAs. And production DBAs tend to regard database engineers as being developers not "proper" DBAs. I have been a database engineer on sites where I wasn't allowed the SYSTEM or SYS passwords for my project's development database. I would bet that everybody who goes to the Unix SIG is a production DBA.

The second question is whether anybody uses entity relationship diagrams, or more broadly, whether anybody still does logical data modelling. I can't answer this one from personal experience. I've been on a data warehouse project for four years now: I only deal in existing schemas. Even when I have done design it has been for ETL infrastructure and similar, so I have leapt straight to physical tables. As I started out with SSADM I do feel a bit guilty about this. Although I must say I haven't exactly missed drawing Entity Life History diagrams.

Anecdotally, there does seem to be a general decline in the practice of data modelling. There were hardly any presentations on modelling at the last UKOUG conference or at Open World 2007. The Modelling and Design is one of the smaller UKOUG SIGs. The ODTUG Designer listserver has flurries of activity but since Oracle announced the death of Designer it has - understandably - experienced a major drop in traffic. There are occasional questions about data modelling in the OTN forums, but these are frequently from students rather than practitioners. It is depressing to consider that the most commonly referenced data model seems to be the fundamentally flawed Entity-Attribute-Value. My last piece of circumstantial evidence is that the Oracle blogosphere rarely features posts about data modelling. The only blog I know which regularly discusses data modelling is The Database Programmer and even Ken Downs only talks about tables.

Of course people are doing system design. There's lots of design about but I would guess that it all happens in UML. So the majority of logical data modelling these days produces class models rather than ERDs. The physical database design stage is much more likely to consist of ORM than mapping entities to tables. Now that's not the sort of party you invite a DBA to, because you just know they're going to glower in the corner, drinking heavily and muttering to themselves. So the mappings and the database design will be done by middle-tier developers. Our communal prejudices tell us this is unlikely to produce a correct and peformant database design, not least because projects which use such an approach tend to make a fetish of database agnosticism and platform independence. So in the long run we might see a resurgence in data modelling, as part of the tool set for rescuing poorly performing class models.

As a tangent, Dominic Delmolino observed in a recent blog that
"many of the people I’ve been interviewing seem to be taken aback by a few simple SQL questions, telling me that DBA’s (sic) don’t do SQL."
Again, why is this surprising? SQL knowledge is going the way of data modelling for production DBAs. There is a whole raft of GUI administration tools - Quest Spotlight, BMC Patrol, Embarcadero, OEM, etc - whose sole purpose is to allow DBAs to monitor and manage large numbers of databases without using the command line and without knowing SQL. Again this is inevitable given the landscape I described above. Old skool DBAs - the ones who started out managing a single database - will have accreted a personal library of SQL scripts, shell scripts and utilities which do all these things. But people starting out now will probably find themselves operating in shops with dozens of databases and no time to roll their own tools. If they are lucky there will be an old lag to pass on some skills and some scripts; more likely there will be a shrink-wrapped GUI tool. Besides, remember that Oracle Enterprise Manager was introduced in Oracle7: it is perfectly feasible for somebody to describe themselves as an experienced DBA who has never administered a database in any other way.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Scoping with SQL Types

The scoping rules for function calls are quite clear. Given a package with a function which has the same name as a standalone function, another function in that package will call the packaged function not the standalone one:

SQL> create or replace function toto
2 return varchar2
3 as
4 begin
5 return 'TOOTING';
6 end toto;
7 /

Function created.

SQL> create or replace package a as
2 function toto return varchar2;
3 function tata return varchar2;
4 end a;
5 /

Package created.

SQL> create or replace package body a as
2 function toto return varchar2
3 as
4 begin
5 return 'KANSAS';
6 end toto;
7 function tata return varchar2
8 as
9 begin
10 return 'We''re not in '||toto||' anymore';
11 end tata;
12 end a;
13 /

Package body created.

SQL> select a.tata from dual
2 /
We're not in KANSAS anymore


The rules apply the same way if we're working with an object rather than a package ....

SQL> drop package a
2 /

Package dropped.

SQL> create or replace type a as object (
2 attr1 varchar2(20)
3 , member function toto return varchar2
4 , member function tata return varchar2
6 /

Type created.

SQL> create or replace type body a as
2 member function toto return varchar2
3 as
4 begin
5 return attr1;
6 end toto;
7 member function tata return varchar2
8 as
9 begin
10 return 'We''re not in '||toto||' anymore';
11 end tata;
12 end;
13 /

Type body created.

SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> declare
2 my_a a := new a('KANSAS');
3 begin
4 dbms_output.put_line(my_a.tata);
5 end;
6 /
We're not in KANSAS anymore

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


However, there is a gotcha: the scoping rules do not work that way when our type inherits from a super-type....
SQL> create or replace type b under a (
2 overriding member function tata return varchar2
3 );
4 /

Type created.

SQL> create or replace type body b as
2 overriding member function tata return varchar2
3 as
4 begin
5 return 'We''re not in '||toto||' anymore!!!';
6 end tata;
7 end;
8 /

Type body created.

SQL> declare
2 my_b b := new b('KANSAS');
3 begin
4 dbms_output.put_line(my_b.tata);
5 end;
6 /
We're not in TOOTING anymore!!!

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


The solution is quite straightforward: use the SELF keyword to make the scope explicit.
SQL> create or replace type body b as
2 overriding member function tata return varchar2
3 as
4 begin
5 return 'We''re not in '||SELF.toto||' anymore!!!';
6 end tata;
7 end;
8 /

Type body created.

SQL> declare
2 my_b b := new b('KANSAS');
3 begin
4 dbms_output.put_line(my_b.tata);
5 end;
6 /
We're not in KANSAS anymore!!!

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


I admit I am not clear about the rules for using SELF. Sometimes it is compulsory, sometimes it is optional. So it's just easier to always include it whenever we reference anything inside a type body.

NB: I ran these tests on, if that makes any difference.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


In a comment on my previous piece Justin K asks "isn't it nice to have choices?". Well it depends. If you don't like carrots then a menu which offers you a choice of carrots or french beans is nice. But choice is one of those weasel words beloved of politicians1. Politicians promise parents the right to choose a school for their children; but what we actually want is just one local school with decent academic standards and no metal detectors at the school gates.

So the multiplicity of Oracle Web2.0 sites is not an automatic good. It will lead to the duplication of effort and a dilution of impact. We went through the same cycle of grief a few years ago with forum sites. On the one hand nobody wants to repeatedly write the same things in several different places. On the other hand people want to participate. And yet if we pour all our efforts into one site and it's not the one everybody else has chosen our endeavours will be wasted. Absence of choice makes life so much easier.

Still, I don't want to be negative about this. So I've set up a group for OTN Forum Regulars on Perhaps I'll see some of you there.

1. Not that I'm accusing Justin of being a politician or a weasel.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Who needs SQL injection?

I - probably like many of you - thought the prevention of SQL injection (the passing of additional SQL statements through the parameters of dynamic SQL calls) was the low hanging fruit of web app security. Not at all. This latest post from The Daily WTF really takes database (in)security to another level.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Networking fatigue

Recently here's been a whole bunch of Web2.0 initiatives in the Oracle space.

Plus all the other sites like LinkedIn. And now Eddie Awad has create an Oracle Community site, a kind of Facebook it's okay to like.

I have signed up for Oracle Community but I'm really not sure whether I'll use it much. We've gone from almost nothing apart from OFF TOPIC threads in the forums to a plethora of sites in a few months. A man doesn't have to be Howard Rogers to feel that this is getting out of hand. There's a tremendous amount of overlap between all these sites and the purpose of each site isn't completely clear. Oracle Wiki seems to consist mainly of people redacting the documentation. Oracle Mix struck me as both over-engineered (lots of different things it could do) and under-engineered (impossible to find anything on the site); perhaps its purpose has become clearer now but I must admit the site navigation was so flawed I stopped visiting.

I will be interested to see whether Oracle Community keeps going after the initial spike of registrations and page customisation. There is an obvious need for some better form of communication between Oracle enthusiasts than adding comments to blog posts or forum threads but which doesn't require giving out personal contact details to all and sundry. Perhaps Oracle Community is the one.


Just after I signed up I read this article on The Register about Facebook fatigue. It's worth a read.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Is this string a number? Really?

Jared Still ponders this question in a recent blog post. He runs some benchmarks against the various approaches and comes to the conclusion that using TRANSLATE() is the fastest approach. Which is fine, as far as it goes. It's a solution which works for Jared's situation but is not universally applicable.

Note that I have slightly complicated Jared's approach to allow for fake_number values of varying length:

SQL> select * from detect_numeric
2 order by 1
3 /

9 rows selected.

SQL> select fake_number
2 from detect_numeric
3 where lpad('|', length(fake_number), '|')
4 = translate(fake_number,'0123456789','||||||||||')
5 order by 1
6 /

9 rows selected.
So far so good. Let's add another record....

SQL> insert into detect_numeric values ('123.45')
2 /

1 row created.

SQL> select fake_number
2 from detect_numeric
3 where lpad('|', length(fake_number), '|')
4 = translate(fake_number,'0123456789','||||||||||')
5 order by 1
6 /

9 rows selected.

Wha'pen? Isn't 123.45 is a number? Well, no, not in this context. The TRANSLATE() call is only counting digits. Hmmm, obviously we need to allow for decimal points.

SQL> select fake_number
2 from detect_numeric
3 where lpad('|', length(fake_number), '|')
4 = translate(fake_number,'0123456789.','|||||||||||')
5 order by 1
6 /

10 rows selected.

Problem solved? Not quite. There's more to being numeric than just comprising digits and decimal points. They have to be in the right quantities and right places. Let's add an IP address to the mix....
SQL> insert into detect_numeric values ('')
2 /

1 row created.

SQL> select fake_number
2 from detect_numeric
3 where lpad('|', length(fake_number), '|')
4 = translate(fake_number,'0123456789.','|||||||||||')
5 order by 1
6 /

11 rows selected.

And that's why we might need a function like IS_NUMERIC(), which wraps a TO_NUMBER call:

SQL> create or replace function is_numeric
2 (p_str in varchar2, p_fmt_msk in varchar2 := null)
3 return varchar2
4 as
5 return_value varchar2(5);
6 n number;
7 begin
8 begin
9 if p_fmt_msk is null then
10 n := to_number(p_str);
11 else
12 n := to_number(p_str, p_fmt_msk);
13 end if;
14 return_value := 'TRUE';
15 exception
16 when others then
17 return_value := 'FALSE';
18 end;
19 return return_value;
20 end;
21 /

Function created.

SQL> column is_numeric format a10
SQL> select fake_number, is_numeric(fake_number) is_numeric
2 from detect_numeric
3 order by 2,1
4 /
-------------------- ---------- FALSE
000000 TRUE
000001 TRUE
000002 TRUE
000010 TRUE
000011 TRUE
000012 TRUE
000020 TRUE
000021 TRUE
000022 TRUE
123.45 TRUE

11 rows selected.


All of which underlines the importance of understanding the data with which we are working. If we just need to assert that a string consists solely of digits then a simple TRANSLATE() will suffice and will be very efficient. But if we need to assert something more precise - that the string contains a valid number - then we may require a slower but more reliable approach.

Incidentally, anyone who is interested in seeing how to use 10g's regex functionality to winnow numeric strings from non-numeric strings should read this OTN Forum post from CD.

Friday, January 25, 2008

How about a date, baby?

Laurent Schneider has posted another interesting insight into the limits of Oracle. I always thought that the highest date we could have in Oracle was 31-DEC-9999. Well that's certainly the highest date we can fit into the standard NLS date format. But the date buffer will actually go up to Friday 1st January 15402 A.D. Read Laurent's post to see how he does it.

Incidentally, you will probably need to tweak your NLS settings to see the results:

SQL> alter session set nls_date_format='dd-mon-yyyy';

Session altered.

SQL> select round(date '9999-01-01','CC') from dual;
ORA-01801: date format is too long for internal buffer

no rows selected

SQL> alter session set nls_date_format='FMDay ddth Month YYYY B.C.';

Session altered.

SQL> select round(date '9999-01-01','CC') from dual;
Monday 1st January 10001 AD


Incidentally, the Julian dates break down at the outer limits...

SQL> select to_char(round(date '9999-01-01','CC'), 'J') from dual;

SQL> select to_char(trunc(date '-4712-1-1','CC'), 'J') from dual;


... and without resorting to RAW twiddling, 1st January 4800 BC is the furthest back our time machine will go....

SQL> select trunc(date '-4712-1-1','CC')-1 from dual;
select trunc(date '-4712-1-1','CC')-1 from dual
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Neologism corner: commando

Somebody who chooses to use a command line tool like sqlplus.exe over a GUI.

I coined this unthinkingly in a Forum thread about SQL editors which had descended into another "real programmers use vim" yawn fest. However, Brian Tkatch picked me up on it, so I had to retrofit a justification.

I chose the word because a commando is a member of an elite unit of toughnuts, which would seem to fit the self-image of soi disant real programmers. It was only afterwards that I noticed the resonance with "command line" itself. And it also brings fresh life to the phrase "going commando".


The ever-reliable web-comic xkcd proffers a neat encapsulation of how these conversations tend to go.

Friday, January 18, 2008

One of those days

My main task for today was to pick up some zipped files from a server on the client site and bring it back to the office to load onto our development server. Simple enough task.

Except that the network connection was a bit brittle. WinSCP kept failing at 99% complete. The same files were available on the QA server. Alas that box was down: Support hadn't noticed until I mentioned it. So it was back to the first server. I found that if I copied a single zip at a time I could at least keep track of the failures and re-copy when necessary.

Eventually I had all the files I needed. It was then a matter of burning them to CD. Inevitably the desktop I was using didn't have a CD burner but fortunately there was another a PC in the office which had a burner and could see my networked TrueCrypt folder (it was potentially sensitive stuff).

Back at my office I discovered that my access to the shared development network was locked. This happens from time to time because, well, just because. It mattered today because our two sysadmins had already left for the weekend (to Wales and France respectively) so there was no chance of me getting my account unlocked before Monday. So one of my co-workers had to transfer the files to the network. I couldn't actually do anything with the data but at least I would be able to erase the CDs.

While the transfer was happening I went to get a coffee. The coffee machine was out of coffee. Grrrr.

I recount these woes not because they are necessarily typical of my working day (some days I really get lots done) but simply to illustrate a larger point. There's a recent article on the Artima site discussing the impact of languages and frameworks on programmer productivity. The sad fact is only a relatively small part of a developer's day is actually spent coding. There are meeting to attend, cranky networks to wrestle and tea bags to be dunked because the coffee machine's on the blink.